Toastmasters Club Toastmasters Club
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Toastmasters Club
The NUSS Toastmasters Club was chartered on 17 December 2004. Our members participate actively in delivering their speeches and leadership roles in our club.
Toastmasters Mission
NUSS Toastmasters - A President Distinguished Club since 2015!
With the dedication, passion and commitment of our members, the NUSS Toastmasters Club has been awarded ‘President Distinguished Club’ status by Toastmasters International for the terms 2008/2009, 2010/2011, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.
The club members will continue in their efforts to ensure that the present 2022/2023 term will likewise maintain the status.
The active participation of members at our monthly chapter meetings has made many into effective speakers and communicators, a skill that is all the more important in today’s interconnected world.
Many members have acknowledged that the various speaking projects and opportunities that the club provides have helped them improve and hone their speaking skills, and this has advanced them professionally in their various fields as well as with their respective community outreach.
The NUSS Toastmasters Experience
To encourage our members to set and achieve higher goals, Toastmasters International awards Educational titles to members who have accomplished their projects in both the Communication and Leadership tracks. Members hone their speaking skills by delivering prepared speeches, and by engaging in impromptu speeches. Thereafter they will receive constructive feedback from experienced fellow toastmasters on various areas for improvement. In turn, toastmasters themselves learn the essential skills of listening, evaluating and delivering motivating feedback and comments to fellow toastmasters.
Members are also encouraged to take on leadership roles at each meeting as well as at the club level. Consequently, leadership development opportunities also extend to the Area, Division and District (or National) levels. The toastmasters programme also includes the annual speech contests when toastmasters enhanced their speaking skills by pitting against other toastmasters at the club, area, division and district levels, and ultimately on the global stage at the annual international event. The achievements by toastmasters are recognised by many employers.
Come Join Us!
Current Club President of the NUSS Toastmasters Club
Mr Willy Tan

Registration for NUSS Toastmasters Club (only for NUSS members)
The NUSS Toastmasters Club believes that public speaking and leadership skills can be well-honed in an environment that is encouraging, enthusiastic and constructively effective. Since its founding in 2004, the Club has advanced from strength to strength.