Life Membership Life Membership

An Ordinary or Associate member who has attained the age of 60 years old and has been a member for 25 years continuously, and is not in arrears of any monies due to the Society, shall be placed in the Life Member Register.

A Life Member may transfer his/her membership to

  1. A family member (i.e. spouse, child, niece/nephew, grandchild, and sibling) upon payment of an admin fee of $200*
  2. A third party upon payment of a fee of $4,000* while retaining his/her membership (with restriction) during his/her life time.

From 1 January 2016, Life Members will be required to pay a reduced subscription fee of $45* per month. This comes with $45 NUSS credits^.  NUSS credits are valid for 3 months. 


All transferees must fulfil the requirements of an Ordinary or Associate Member and will be required to pay the prevailing monthly subscription fee.

*Subject to prevailing GST

^To be reviewed by the Management Committee

For more information, please email Membership Services at [email protected].